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Foresta Collective

Project type

Arts research






Sabina Enéa Téari and Egor Sviri

Foresta Collective is a fluid hybrid collective of humans and other species. We dedicate our work to direct and metaphorical cultivation of cultures of forests. Forests invite us to reimagine and live into other ways of knowing and being, conceiving of the self and community. From forests we learn to see the world as complex entangled interactions of multispecies agents and their mutual becoming. Forests offer us an imaginary where, within all kinds of relationships, attentiveness and connectedness replace fragmentation and exploitation, leading towards a more symbiotic togetherness.

These are some of the ways we work with forest cultures (inner and outer):

Seasonal Academy
A learning format for more ecological futures, offering a path to deepen into the circles of ecological sensitivity and develop long-term strategies for envisioning and realising one's work in the world, initiated within personal ecologies, expanding into relational spaces, crafting futures and learning to step gently.

Space for regenerative culture(s) and multispecies care
Landing in a physical place in northern Spain, Foresta is metamorphosing into a situated (not anymore only symbolic) practice, becoming a real forest, with a vision to cultivate life-generating contact with the place and its inhabitants, nurture multispecies communities, reciprocity and care.

A forest can be anywhere
Our ongoing living research into forest gardens as inspiring alternatives to mono-agricultural deserts, where the ethics of attentive multispecies conviviality and symbiotic interconnectedness become our teachers on a path of bridging ‘nature’ and ‘agriculture’ back together through regenerative practices.

Thinking with a garden
Residency series, and generally a platform for cross-pollinated research and practice in the expanded field and contact zone between arts, regenerative food systems and ecologies, unfolding at the physical location of Foresta-in-becoming in Asturias.

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